What We Do

Our projects

Our organization is involved in numerous projects . . .

Our activities are centered on raising Godly foundations among peoples through our spheres of influence which include education, technology, and media. From these, we have established various projects to achieve our Objectives as the mountain of the Lord and the display center of the wonderful deeds, virtues and perfections of Him Who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.

At Uttermost Life Center, our first assignment is to nature the God-given gifts of men through talent development, teaching and training the whole person so that they may walk in the Lord’s paths that He planned for their lives. 

We strengthen the bounds in the services needed by man to the uttermost part. We facilitate access to the speed of technology and its impact of innovation in the minds of village community citizens because they are God’s special people too. 

It is about the king and the kingdom!

We preach and present Christ at the center of each of our activities. We are the manifestation of the abundance of life (John 10.10) and the light of light (John 8.12) for the kingdom of God’s

We raise strong family foundations through empowering the underprivileged to also walk a path of hope, delivering them from the snares of lack by uplifting the gift upon each in our modal projects and schools. 


Lack of food is so damaging to humanity. Many wants and needs can wait unlike food and medication. Everyone is God’s special creation meant to live and enjoy the world without any limitations. 


Healthy nutrition, medical provision and a loving surrounding in a caring home are the basic requirements for a life with hope for the future.  We strengthen the bounds in the services needed by man by …